Guangzhou EPRO Information Technology Company Limited

Incorporated in 2009, Guangzhou EPRO Information Technology Company Limited (GZ EPRO) is a joint venture of EPRO Group, holding company of EPRO TechSoft Limited, and Guangzhou RunSoft Software Company Limited (RunSoft). Situated in Guangzhou Nan Sha “Guangdong Disabled Persons Information Industrial Park” as the park’s management unit in 2010, GZ EPRO is one of the first batch of enterprises to operate in the park. Also, GZ EPRO obtained the “Value-added Telecommunications Business (Contact Centre Business) License.

Apart from providing professional and reliable contact centre services to our clients, GZ EPRO also aims at offering large scale employment opportunities to disabled persons. In year 2011, GZ EPRO obtained the “Certificate of Social Enterprise” issued by Bureau of Civil Affairs of Guangzhou Municipality.

Recognized the importance and benefits of providing training and job opportunity for disabled persons as part of the human resource strategic planning, GZ EPRO develop a comprehensive training program and management plan specifically catered for the disabled employee. As the employment and training base of the Guangzhou Disabled Persons’ Association, GZ EPRO has provided call center related job training for over 500 disabled persons. As the first Disabled Persons Contact Centre Employment Base in China, GZ EPRO is a Disabled Persons Contact Centre recognized by China Government and also the only Disabled Persons Training and Placement Base in Guangzhou.

Over the years, the company has made significant achievements in the providing outsourcing service and promoting large-scale employment of disabled person. At present, disabled persons and personnel with higher education qualifications accounted for 40% and 24% of the company workforce. And in 2011, GZ EPRO is the proud recipient of the Hong Kong Customer Center Association (HKCCA)’s Corporate Social Responsibility Gold Award.

Based on the EPRO Group’s decades of experience in the call centre business, and taking advantage of the stable disabled person workforce, GZ EPRO has been recognized for our professional and quality service by clients from various industries or projects such as social enterprise, fast-moving consumer goods, Internet finance and mobile phones.
